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Symptoms In Women

Symptoms vary from person to person. Some women with Late Onset CAH will have all of these symptoms, while some may be asymptomatic. It all depends on how your specific body responds to your genetic alterations! 

Potential symptoms include:

  • Early Onset of Puberty

    • Some women with Late Onset CAH begin to experience puberty earlier than the average woman​

  • Early Growth Spurt or No Growth Spurt 

    • Some women with Late Onset CAH may have a growth spurt very early on in puberty, but ultimately have shorter stature than expected 

    • Other women with Late Onset CAH may have no growth spurt at all and ultimately have shorter stature than expected

  • Excess Hair Growth (thick and dark)​

    • Face

    • Upper Thighs

    • Stomach and Chest

  • Severe Acne

    • Acne due to a hormone imbalance typically flairs on the cheeks, jawline, and chin, but acne on the chest can also be indicative of a hormone imbalance

    • This acne occurs in two types- cystic and in “knots”

    • NOTE: Treating acne on its own may not be effective and will only cover up CAH, rather than treating it at its source


  • Irregular Periods

    • Especially for Girls around or under 100lbs or girls just beginning their periods, irregular periods are not uncommon even without CAH. Though, with CAH periods are more distinctly irregular; rather than being a few days or a week off, CAH patients may skip months.​​

  • Anxiety, Depression, and Other Mental Health Conditions

    • Although there can be many causes for mental health conditions, they are highly prevalent in the Late Onset CAH community

    • These conditions could be related to hormonal imbalances

  • Infertility 

    • Many women with Late Onset CAH have trouble getting pregnant, although there are many specialists that can help women with CAH who are trying to have children​!

  • Male Pattern Baldness

    • This is a symptom that can arise of Late Onset CAH goes untreated into later adulthood



If you or your loved one has been diagnosed with PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome) and presents any of the above symptoms, it is greatly advised that testing is done for CAH. Many women with Late Onset CAH are misdiagnosed with PCOS and therefore do not receive proper treatment, which can lead to many complications down the road.

But don't worry! Testing isn't complicated and it can lead to a lot of clarity!

For more information on testing, you can visit the "What Tests Should I Get?" page under "Infographics."

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