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Although there is currently no cure for CAH, there are treatment options! Treatment is not easy for everyone and there is much trial and error, but we hope that we can help guide you and your loved ones in the right direction to begin that process! 

There are also many innovative new technologies that are being researched for treatment of CAH, and we hope that we will be able to expand our treatment options in the near future! 

Traditional treatment options include:

  • Corticosteroids​

    • Oral corticosteroids are used to act as synthetic cortisol

      • This is helpful because when people with Late Onset CAH try to produce cortisol they often end up producing an ​excess of other adrenal hormones 

      • Taking synthetic cortisol gives people with CAH the cortisol they need so that they don't have the complications that arise when their bodies try to produce cortisol on their own

    • There are three main types of corticosteroids used to treat CAH

      • Hydrocortisone​

      • Prednisone 

      • Dexamethasone 

    • Most women with Late Onset CAH use hydrocortisone

    • Dosing is traditionally based off of body surface area, but dosing should be adjusted until hormones and symptoms are controlled and the person feels good!

      • It can take time to figure out ​what dose works for each person, but thankfully we have a supportive community who is there for those who are going on this journey (you are not alone!)

    • Interactions

      • Corticosteroids have many interactions with other medications, substances, and vaccinations. Before taking a medication, taking a substance, or getting a vaccine while you are taking corticosteroids, make sure you consult a reliable website or a doctor to see if there are any interactions! 

    • It is important to know that once corticosteroid treatment is started, someone with Late Onset CAH becomes more susceptible to experiencing adrenal crisis when their body is under extreme stress 

      • This can seem scary, but with the right education and precautions there isn't as much to worry about! 

      • It is incredibly important that you take the time to explore the "Adrenal Crisis" page under "Education"

  • Birth Control

    • Due to the hormone pathways within the endocrine system, some women need to take birth control pills in addition to corticosteroids to manage their hormones and symptoms

    • There are many different types of birth control, so it may take time to figure out which type makes each person feel good! 

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